Thursday, November 18, 2010

Australia - Day 1

Yesterday was nice relaxing day with some scenic drives through the countryside. Honestly, Australia isn't what I expected! Along the coast there is a lot of lush greenery, rolling hills and beautiful Spanish influenced homes. The day started with a trip up to the Big Rocking Horse & Toy Factory - and yes, it is exactly how it reads. Along with the big rocking horse they have a large fenced in area that you can walk around and pet various animals. Today I was able to pet some wallabies, small pony, alpacas (I actually more chased them because they kept running away when I went to pet them), and goats. The Toy Factory, in my opinion puts the Amish to shame with all they make; they had a wide array of wooden toys and Australia themed items.

After we walked around the shop and the animal area we grabbed lunch at the Mad Cow. Amber and I both has a Gyro (Yiro in Australian), but with their lack of exposure to the Greek culture it wasn't that good. We then took another scenic drive to Starplex, where Amber assists in basketball training for kids. After a couple of hours there we returned home and I made a nice steak and potato dinner.

Interesting tid-bit for the day: in AU they have random breathalyzer testings on the road. The cops set up random road block on busy streets and then choose certain cars and have the drivers do a breathalyzer. Amber was chosen for the first and don't worry everybody, she passed!!! Way to go AU for cracking down on drunk driving!!

Today we will have surfing lessons. Oh man....

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