Well after combined 30 hours of flight I finally made it to Australia in one piece!! Here is everything I had to do to get here:
- Fly from Detroit to LA, about a 4 hr flight. Once arriving in LA I had to take a 5-10 minute walk from one terminal to another, Go through security and find my gate (all mentioned in my previous post)
- Fly from LA to Brisbane, AU, about a 13 hr flight. Once arriving in Brisbane I had to go through customs (which is about 3 different stops), pick up my luggage, walk to the other side of the airport to the domestic flights, check in for my last flight, hop a bus to go to the domestic flights terminal, go through security, board my flight!
- Arrive in Adelaide, AU!!
Here are some pointers I give to my fellow flyers:
- Don't wear baggy pants, unless you want to be padded down.
- Be careful with who you use the public bathroom after. Some woman clogged the toilet enough to where it would sort of flush so by the time I used it it took about 5 flushes to make it sorta flush. Of course the next person blames you, not knowing the situation you walked into.
- Don't get an aisle seat unless you want to get up every time the other 2 people want to use the bathroom or stretch their leg. The aisle seat is best if you are the type of person who uses the bathroom. If you have a severe public bathroom phobia then the window seat would be sufficient for you.
- Internationals are generally more helpful than Americans when you are lost.
When I finally arrived in AU Amber met me off the plane and we went to her house to unload all my stuff. In order to adjust to the new time schedule I tried to stay up as long as I could. We went for a walk on the beach (which is a mile down the road) and around the shops by the beach. Things are much more expensive here. A candy bar is about $250.00. If you are needing to go on a diet I suggest moving to Australia as the cost of junk food is quite high and would be a great deterrent. After walking around we went back to Amber's and made dinner (well she made dinner) and had ice cream. I stayed up as long as I could (which I think was about 7). I slept for about 12 hours and I'm ready for another day!!
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